Despite the dire circumstances of his arrival in Hive Primus, Grendl Grendlsen quickly established a new life, finding gainful employment as a bodyguard to various underhive figures. In the end, he earned the right to practice as a sanctioned Bounty Hunter, and now serves any master who will pay his fees. Grendl is famous for protecting his charges from rivals and subsequently claiming the bounty on the heads of would-be assassins, and so far there has been no shortage of daredevil rivals eager to test his skills and his infamous hammer.
This multi-part resin kit contains the parts necessary to assemble Grendl Grendlsen, a Squat Bounty Hunter. Reasonably diminutive and stocky in stature (he is a Squat after all), he is impressively well organized and equipped, much more so than some of his rival bounty hunters. From head to toe he wears a ton of gear: pouches and pouches are attached to his belt (along with some grenades...), his boots and coat are padded and well armored, and he even has good tactical eye protection. . He also carries a large backpack with sensors, and in his hand are the essential tools of his trade: a boltgun in his right and his legendary power hammer in his left.
This kit consists of 4 components and is supplied with a 25mm Necromunda base. Included are rules for using Grendl Grendlssen as part of any gang in the Necromunda: Underhive games.
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