War has engulfed the galaxy. The vast forces of the Separatist Alliance, reinforced by seemingly endless ranks of battle droids, have brought the Galactic Republic to the brink of dissolution and defeat. The Republic's only hope is its army of elite clone troopers, led into battle by noble Force-wielding Jedi Knights. The war between them is an epic fight where each battle could turn the tide and change the destiny of the galaxy. You can immerse yourself in this epic conflict, gathering your forces and leading them against your opponents in legendary Star Wars ground battles with the Clone Wars Core Set for Star Wars: Legion!
This core set invites you to enter a whole new era of infantry battles in the Star Wars galaxy, pitting overwhelming Separatist droid forces against the Republic's elite armies of clone troopers and Jedi Knights. As you do so, you'll assemble a force of the Clone Wars' most iconic heroes, villains, soldiers, and vehicles, including Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Grievous. In addition to introducing the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance to the game, this starter set contains all the cards, tools, and tokens you need to start hosting your own Star Wars battles right away, making it the perfect starting point for Start building your Star Wars. : Legion Collection!
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