aggok Finksteala is embarked on a deadly mission to decapitate Barrancouerte's greatest warriors. With each piece he collects, his cunning increases – or so he believes – so he has set out to gather enough coins to reach Kazike. His gang, the Auñaladorez, shares his vision and assists him in his sneaky ambushes with savageness and cunning.
The Daggok Stabbers are an aggressive warband that rewards the player who uses their cunning to complete special Guile Gambits with additional Glory points. Hurrk da Howla is the herald and wields a horn called the Roar of Kragnos, named for the terrifying roar it emits. Grakk da Hook uses his biting flail to knock the enemy off balance, and Jagz da Bleeda, so sadistic that even the other Bigheads fear him, explodes into a ball of violence when one of his weaknesses is exposed. This set includes a complete Rivals deck ready to use right out of the box. All miniatures are snap-on, so you can get playing in no time.
This set includes: - 4 die-cast miniatures of Daggok's Stabbers. No glue needed. Made of green plastic. - 4 double-sided war cards, one for each raid member: Daggok Finksteala, Hurkk da Howla, Jagz da Bleeda and Grakk da Hook - 1 Daggok Stabbers plot card, with additional rules